Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Words of Wisdom #1

So, I love that Simply Hue is doing a Monday inspiration series. As I mentioned yesterday, I've been feeling a little uninspired as of late. But -- my mother-in-law just forwarded a super cute list of 45 lessons from 2009 Pulitzer Prize-finalist for Commentary Regina Brett,* an Ohio columnist.

Anyway, to help all of us, I'll kickstart our Monday mornings together with one of these lessons. Though, hmm, Regina's site says there's 50. Well, regardless -- looks like we've got a fun year of Monday morning lessons together ahead of us ;) If you're a bit impatient, I don't blame you -- here's one for now, and you can find the rest here.

Lesson 1: Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

{geoftheref, Kids in Iringa, Tanzania}

I'm always blown away when I see photos of happy kids, especially ones where you'd think there's no way happiness could prevail -- over poverty, hunger, lack of running water, etc. But somehow, happiness wins -- maybe in small parts, but it still does -- especially in these smiles.


*Funny, the forward I received said she was 90, but Regina's website (with a very young-looking photo) has a huge bolded disclaimer that says, "Despite what you've read, Regina is not 90!" Hilarious.

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