Monday, June 29, 2009

sugar rush

Holy cow. I decided to *finally* hit up the grocery store this weekend* and picked up a box of these so I wouldn't be tempted to eat cupcakes. Well, okay, snacking on this + being tempted to eat cupcakes are not exactly related -- but you know what I mean.

But holy cow, that thing is total sugar. And for me, that chocolate-y cookie + white-chocolate-like coating is *perfect.* Hooray, healthy me! Okay, sorta healthy.

And, here's a little polyvore-tasticism, inspired by this delight! (I was a little indecisive about shoes, oops.)

* A little sadly, the checker was asking me what fun plans I had for the night, since I was ringing through at almost 10p on Saturday night. And all I had was, "Oh, you know -- chopping up all that lettuce you just rang up." (Sigh) I never was a cool kid, but man, having to admit that I was going to chop up lettuce on a Saturday night ... rock. But hey, choosing between (a) going out on the town and (b) saving about $40 by prepping lunch/dinner for me & the hubs this week? You bet cheap is going to win out right now! Ten more days till the family reunion river trip, and 3 weeks till my 10-year reunion, which I am still debating attending. Grr. I know, what magic can I work by eating loads of veggies + 100 calorie snack packs? Who knows! At least I finished that crazy answer I was working on last week!

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