Friday, May 15, 2009

Favorite finds

I've been a smidge more self-conscious about re-posting things from the fabulous blogs I read ... but some of these things I just can't help. And I tried all week not to... but these are such.pretty.things.

  • decor amor's dream series, but especially

  • A whole bunch of posts I've missed at Dwellings and Decor, somehow, but especially

  • [Rachel Follett's sketch of her office space, since she had to send pics of her work space for an interview! How neat! I'd almost wish I worked in a field where this was part of the interview, but I think I'd never get a job...]

    {Living in Argentina}

    1 comment:

    1. Aww! You are so sweet! Thanks for the blog love! I really liked seeing my little sketch up here. :)
