Friday, April 3, 2009

I do a lot of big dreaming

And I promise it's not really all about shopping or material things. It's just so fun and easily-satisfying to see something pretty, clip it, and look at it again later to sigh over. It's a big fantasy for me -- I was reading the twitter of one of my fave bloggers, and she was debating what shoe color she should get for her $800+ wedding shoes, and there were some commenters that were like, "I could barely spend $100 on my wedding dress!" and "I just can't imagine spending that much money on shoes like that!"

And okay, I get we're all entitled to our opinions. But um unless your good friend needs a serious reality check, can't you just share in that shopper's delight? Like, wouldn't you love to be able to hesitate over the COLOR of $800+ shoes? I WOULD. I don't think you should be made to feel guilty if you can afford to do something. For flaunting it, maybe. But twittering about a dilemma over color of wedding shoes? What, it's okay if it's $25? Under $50? That's not fair, choices still have to be made -- there shouldn't be some sort of reverse discrimination.

Maybe this is silly. I just thought it wasn't fair to throw some negativity on what's kinda a stressful event already -- I was lucky; 40 of our closest friends + family joined us at the 105th floor atop the Stratosphere in Las Vegas for our ceremony + reception, so it was fairly easy planning; my shopping consisted of scouting ebay + Neiman Marcus Last Call like nobody's business! Maybe i'm too big a fan of being supportive, perhaps to the point of being an enabler. I mean, I don't want anyone getting carried away if the ability/financial support isn't there. And maybe I'm wrong to assume it is, and maybe those reality checkers were fab for slipping in their opinion to act as a check.

A-hem. Anyway, I guess I'm rambling to also explain why I keep posting these beautiful items that are *so* out of my price range, and probably most people's out there. But you can still be inspired by these things, I think -- well, so long as you look at it as inspiration, and not actual must-have-ness. Although, I know I'm irked by magazines that feature fashion spreads on all these items I could never afford, and wish they'd run some budget features sometime.

Anyway, one of these days I'll do that. I guess I'm just afraid if I do that, then I might actually buy it!! And that for real cannot happen. I'm glad that I mostly don't fit into Forever 21, b/c shoot, those $10-$15 things add up!

Anyway, rant done. Here's beautiful Christian Louboutin shoes -- 40% off at until midnight EST today! (Thanks for the tip, T!) [Each photo links to its listing, current at time of post]

Chica Fiora d'orsay pumps

Biba d'orsay pumps
Pigirl' flatsHervette jeweled flats

1 comment:

  1. Those first two pairs are gorgeous!

    I wonder about posting shoes I can't afford sometimes too and then I come to the same conclusion - they are beautiful and I can't afford original art but that doesn't stop me sharing it. (Yes, I just compared shoes to art!)
